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Mortgage Brokers
Getting Free CalHFA Leads | Homebuyer Education | Helpful Marketing Materials
How to Process a CalHFA Loan if you are a Mortgage Broker
As a mortgage broker it is required that you work through a CalHFA approved wholesale lender to process a CalHFA loan. The following is a list of CalHFA approved wholesale lenders and primary contacts who offer our products:
11 Mortgage
Thomas Michel
EVP of Wholesale
email: tmichel@elevenmortgage.com
phone: 469.409.1071
Banc One Mortgage Corporation
email: info@banconemortgage.com
phone: 949.537.3000
Bay Valley Mortgage Group
John Nielsen
15030 La Mirada Blvd.
La Mirada, CA 90638
email: Brokerapp@pacbaylending.com
phone: 714.367.5125
BluePoint Mortgage
Mark Matta
Managing Director/COO
email: mark@bluepointmtg.com
phone: 949.771.2305
Equity Prime Mortgage, LLC
Jason Callan
Chief Operation Officer
email: jcallan@epm.net
phone: 877.255.3554
FlexPoint, Inc.
Dennis Wynant
Vice President
phone: 949.533.6898
direct: 949.418.1987
GO Mortgage, LLC
Scott McCarthy
Account Executive
email: scott.mccarthy@pacresmortgage.com
phone: 858.335.2970
Sheldon Smith
Account Executive
email: sheldon.smith@pacresmortgage.com
phone: 415.847.1056
Gold Star Wholesale
Christian Butterfield
email: cbutterfield@goldstarfinancial.com
phone: 972.544.6022
web: wholesale.goldstarfinancial.com
Hometown Equity Mortgage, LLC
Dee Schultz
West Coast Divisional Vice President of Sales, Wholesale Sales
email: dschultz@thelender.com
phone: 949.432.3777
Jeff Porfirio
East Coast Director of Wholesale Sales 7 Operations, Team Express / Team Now
email: jeffp@thelender.com
phone: 949.524.4928
Jet Mortgage
Michael Turturro, President
email: mt@jetmortgage.com
phone: 949.355.4454
Kind Lending, LLC
Delfino Aguilar, SVP TPO Production
email: DAguilar@Kindlending.com
phone: 619.726.0377
Land Home Financial Services, Inc.
Tom Merelli, TPO National Sales Director
email: Tom.Merelli@lhfs.com
phone: 720.501.5248
Loanstream Wholesale
email: inquiries@lsmortgage.com
phone: 800.760.1833
web: loanstreamwholesale.com
Loan Simple, Inc.
Casey Nunn
email: cnunn@loansimple.com
phone: 720.464.2695
Mission Loans Wholesale
Dan Malouff
EVP, Capital Markets
email: dan.malouff@missionloans.com
phone: 704.771.9750
New Wave Lending Group, Inc.
John Dang
Regional Sales
email: joinus@newwavelending.com
phone: 626.623.0038
Ony Glo, Inc. dba Capitalend Home Loans; LoanLock Prime
Patrick Ladkani
EVP, Managing Director
email: Patrick.ladkani@loanlock.com
phone: 714.677.8002
Paramount Residential Mortgage Group
Northern California Region:
Michelle Lilley
email: MLilley@prmg.net
phone: 408.772.6802
Southern California Region:
Alex Del Haro
email: ADelHaro@PRMG.NET
phone: 818.429.5370
Plains Commerce Bank
Chris Vinson, CEO of Mortgage
email: cvinson@plainscommerce.com
phone: 605.681.2367
Right Start Mortgage, Inc.
David Williams
Vice President
email: dwilliams@rightstartmortgage.com
phone: 626.739.5305
Sierra Pacific Mortgage
Jon McCash
EVP – TPO Sales
email: jon.mccash@spmc.com
phone: 781.820.6344
Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc.
email: broker@swmc.com
phone: 800.453.7884
direct: 562.972.5482 (David Pahwa)
Getting Free CalHFA Leads
If you are interested in CalHFA's Preferred Loan Officer and LEADS Program please visit the LEADS Program page or contact Catherine Relyea at 916.326.8077.
Homebuyer Education Requirement
CalHFA firmly believes that homebuyer education and counseling is critical to the success and happiness of a homeowner, and requires homebuyer education and counseling for first-time homebuyers using a CalHFA program.
Who has to take this Homebuyer Education and Counseling course?
Only one occupying first-time borrower on each loan transaction.
How do I take this education and counseling course?
- ONLINE: eHome's eight-hour Homebuyer Education and Counseling course is the only online course accepted by CalHFA. (fee: $99) Other online courses like Frameworks and HomeView are not acceptable because they do not provide a one-hour, 1-on-1 counseling follow-up session.
- IN-PERSON or VIRTUAL: Live Homebuyer Education and Counseling in-person or virtually though NeighborWorks America or any HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agency
(fee: varies by agency)
Helpful Marketing Materials
CalHFA produces many collateral pieces to both inform California homebuyers and help our lending partners with the CalHFA process. Many of the pieces are in downloadable format for convenient printing. Take a look at what we have to offer!
Visit the Sales Tools & Marketing Materials page for details.
Loan Scenario Calculator
The Scenario Calculator helps you compare CalHFA loans to determine what loan scenario works best for your client.
News & Updates
Dates for May Lender Training have been posted
Latest Bulletins
Program Bulletin #2025-01 - New CalHFA Taxable Bond Programs
Program Bulletin #2024-10 - Re-Reserve/Rate lock policy update
Program Bulletin #2024-09 - Increased Loan Limits and Updated Maximum Loan Amount for CalHFA VA
Latest eNews Announcements
Enews 01/29/2025 - Reminder: CalHFA's down payment programs are not federally funded
Enews 01/27/2025 - Housing Matters Newsletter
Enews 01/08/2025 - CA Emergency Resources
eNews announcements can be found on our Archived Page