Loan Scenario Calculator

Use this calculator to compare CalHFA loans. This tool is intended for loan officers and lending partners. If you are a homebuyer, please have your loan officer walk through this with you. This tool is for estimation purposes only. Final loan figures may be different.

FNMA AMI Lookup tool.

Include All Title/Escrow/Lender Fees, Prepaids, etc.

Note: ZIP funds can only be applied to closing costs

Note: Cannot Exceed 5% of the Purchase Price

Note: ZIP funds can only be applied to closing costs

Note: Cannot Exceed 5% of the Purchase Price

Note: ZIP funds can only be applied to closing costs

Note: Cannot Exceed 5% of the Purchase Price

Calculation Results:

Program Name

Rate Entered:

Base First Loan Amount

Upfront FHA/MI Premium/VA Funding Fee

High Balance Fee

Total First Loan Amount

Total Downpayment Requirement

Total Financing From CalHFA

Loan LTV


Borrower Estimated Contribution

Monthly P&I Payment

Estimated Monthly Property Taxes

Estimated Monthly Hazard Insurance Payments

Estimated Monthly Mortgage Insurance Premium

Total Estimated Monthly Payments