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Public Records & Transparency

Online Request Form For Public Records

How To Submit

Privacy & Transfer

Note: The California Public Records Act does not require requestors of records to identify themselves. However, if you wish to receive records:

  1. Electronically (that is, by a reply email): we will at least need to know your email address.
  2. Mailed to you, we will need to have your name and mailing address.

Paying for your Request

The Agency may require payment in advance for direct costs of duplication (10ยข per page for photocopies, plus other direct costs of duplication as applicable). Since it is impossible to tell how much the direct costs of duplication will be until the records search is completed, we recommend that you provide a name and telephone number so we can contact you to provide you the actual dollar amount. We may also contact you to further identify records to limit the search to only those records which you desire.

For additional information, please refer to our: Written Guidelines for Accessibility of Public Records

Privacy and Security Alert

When requesting information or submitting a records request, the Agency discourages visitors from including private information.
Do not include your Social Security Number. If additional information is needed, you will be contacted regarding your request.

Please note: Public Records Act requests are public records! All information you provide when submitting a Public Records Act request, including your name and contact information, is open to public disclosure. Please submit an anonymous request if you want to keep your name and contact information private.

(A) Today's Date:

(C) My Contact Information (including at least one of the following):

(E) I would like to inspect these records in person
     at the Agency's office located at:

500 Capitol Mall, Suite 1400
Sacramento, CA 95814


Fee Estimate

* CalHFA requires pre-payment of direct costs of duplication.
  Copies will not be sent until payment is received.

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