Asset Management for Property Agents & Owners

CalHFA's Asset Management Division is responsible to oversee the management of Agency financed multifamily developments.

Each project is monitored regarding its financial, physical and occupancy compliance with various regulatory documents. Asset Management's basic objective is to ensure compliance with the Agency's regulatory agreement for safe, decent and sanitary affordable housing opportunities for low to lower income households.


Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program

Each project is monitored regarding its financial, physical and occupancy compliance with various regulatory documents. Asset Management's basic objective is to ensure compliance with the Agency's regulatory agreement for safe, decent and sanitary affordable housing opportunities for low to lower income households.

Additional Resources

CalHFA Portfolio Prepayment Policy

Map of CalHFA Apartments Sites

HUD Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity

HUD Tenant Rights laws and Protection: California

Income Limits

MTSP Income Limits

Information Practices Act Request for Tenant Records